Should You Relocate for a Job?

<p>Tensions have been escalating between workers and corporations, particularly since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 when many companies fired or laid off loyal employees for the sole reason of padding their profits and dumping the money into stock buybacks for their investors. As a result of employees&rsquo; new awareness of exactly how dispensable they are considered to be by corporate America, workers started demanding more for their efforts. This fueled what was deemed by various media and recruiter thinkpieces as &ldquo;The Great Resignation.&rdquo;</p> <p>Workers that held onto their jobs found out that what they&rsquo;ve been forced to do in oppressive cubicles under fluorescent lights, assaulted by Muzak all day and wolfing down overpriced lunches in employee breakrooms has been work they could have been doing from the comfort of their homes the whole time. Workers that were suddenly deemed &ldquo;essential&rdquo; found out that being &ldquo;essential&rdquo; does not come with any increase in actual pay or benefits, nor does it come with better working conditions.</p> <p>Now that the pandemic is largely considered to be &ldquo;over,&rdquo; corporations are hot to trot in regaining power they once held over the work force before these realizations came to light, only to find that employees are&nbsp;<em>(rightfully)</em>&nbsp;not as cooperative as they once were.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Relocate Job