Travel Writer Rejection Rant

<p>I was<em>&nbsp;so&nbsp;</em>close to my dream side hustle: travel writing. I submitted a few sample pieces (like this one below):</p> <p><strong>Discovering Barcelona&rsquo;s Dynamic Street Art Scene</strong></p> <p><em>&ldquo;Street art is nothing else but urban poetry that catches someone&rsquo;s eye. Being a street artist is impossible because the city itself is the artist. Street art is a collective thing, participatory and interactive, extremely linked to Web 2.0 culture.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;-Christian Gu&eacute;my C215</p> <p>Paris may be known as the city of love, but Barcelona is undoubtedly the city of artists, particularly those with a bohemian spirit. With its avant-garde style and vibrant culture, Barcelona attracts artists from all walks of life, from the formally trained to the street artists whose imaginative creations adorn the walls of the city&rsquo;s Gothic neighborhoods.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rejection Rant