How to Fix the ‘Untrusted_Cert_Title’ Error When Reinstalling macOS?

<p><strong>Summary</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Have you encountered an Untrusted_Cert_Title error while reinstalling macOS? Read this blog to learn why this error occurs and what can be done to fix this error.</p> <p>There could be multiple reasons why Mac users may need to reinstall macOS. These may include downgrading the macOS, selling your old Mac, or troubleshooting Mac errors. However, reinstallation of Mac doesn&rsquo;t always go smoothly, and you may witness errors, such as&nbsp;<strong>Untrusted_Cert_Title&nbsp;</strong>error.</p> <p>This problem generally occurs when you try to reinstall macOS causing the installation to fail. The&nbsp;<strong>Untrusted_Cert_Title</strong>&nbsp;error is a frequent defect in the macOS, and there is no particular macOS version where it&rsquo;s more common.</p> <p>This article will explain what the&nbsp;<strong>Untrusted_Cert_Title</strong>&nbsp;error means and find ways to fix the issue.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>