Reimagining Humanity

<p>Negative messaging, division, conflict. The overwhelming proliferation of these behaviors has reached epidemic proportions in modern culture leaving us increasingly disenfranchised and alone, coping with the injuries these behaviors cause instead of combating the root of the behavior itself. But what if we all refused to continue? What if we stopped playing this systemic game and instead put a focus on true, unfettered, humanity?</p> <h1>A Culture Of Shame</h1> <p>I cannot tell you how many times a week I hear one of my friends or even myself say something dehumanizing without even realizing that we&rsquo;ve done it. Negative self-talk is everywhere in our society. We have normalized and even venerated it without so much as a pause to consider the unseen damage it might be doing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>