How do we design regenerative cities ?

<p>This month&rsquo;s Connectle Conversation on Regenerative Business focused on cities. How do we design cities to be regenerative? What does regenerative mean in the context of an existing city or even a development within the confines of a city? Luckily I was joined by one of the world&rsquo;s most ground-breaking economists in Kate Raworth, designer of the Doughnut and author of Doughnut Economics and someone at the sharp end of delivering urban development &mdash; Natascha McIntyre Hall of Portsmouth City Council, to explore the question.</p> <p><strong>The Rapid Takeaways</strong></p> <ol> <li><strong>Change is accelerated</strong>&nbsp;when people see other people&rsquo;s experiments working; we need better funding for regenerative pioneers and those regenerative pioneers need to become better at storytelling and finding places to tell their stories. Action drives change as much as conversation and theory.</li> </ol> <p>2.&nbsp;<strong>Cities</strong>&nbsp;need to consider redesign in four contexts:-</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>