What Do Nevertrumpers Do Now? 3 Paths of Reform Conservatism

<p>Since the Republican Party has almost entirely embraced Trumpism, those who take this route will be paddling upstream. This approach is sensible, nonetheless, given our electoral system.</p> <p>As long as we have winner-take-all elections, we will have a two-party system. Here&rsquo;s another way to think about it: All democracies must build a majority coalition to govern. In multi-party systems, the coalition is formed after the election. In two-party systems, the coalition is formed before the election by the party that eventually wins.</p> <p>If we lived in a multi-party system, reform Republicans would likely have their own party that might join a coalition with other Republicans, or other Democrats, after the election. In our two-party system, reform Republicans are one coalition among many seeking to influence the direction of the party.</p> <p><a href="https://napp-nazworth.medium.com/what-do-nevertrumpers-do-now-3-paths-of-reform-conservatism-708eed5296fb"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>