7 Remembrances of and 2 Reflections on Palestine

<p>I remember how nervous I first felt traveling to the &ldquo;Arab quarter,&rdquo; or Palestinian-governed portion of Jerusalem, as a 17-year-old high school senior. All I knew about the place upon my arrival I learned from Sunday School and Fox News (the official and only news channel of the Tanner household and practically everyone I knew growing up). What I expected and what I experienced could not have been more different. Every Palestinian I met &mdash; and I encountered a lot of them &mdash; were far kinder and more generous to me than I deserved. I was struck and enamored by Arab hospitality, humility, and humor. I remember asking myself: &ldquo;Were Palestinians all Arab? Were they all Muslim? What did being Palestinian even mean?&rdquo; In time, I met Palestinian Christians, Jews, and Muslims. I learned &ldquo;Palestinian&rdquo; was a political description for a specific ethnic group of Arab people native to the land I had only ever heard described as &ldquo;Israel.</p> <p><a href="https://mnathantanner.medium.com/7-remembrances-of-and-2-reflections-on-palestine-7014f2bf0f16"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>