How to Be an Ally to Your Local Redheads

<p>We&rsquo;ve come a long way in supporting marginalized groups. However, one subset of people has been tragically ignored, disadvantaged and persecuted over the years. I&rsquo;m talking about us in the melanin-bereft redhead community.</p> <p>Many incidents that go unnoticed in the broader community are deeply problematic for us redheads. For example, few people understand the systemic inequity that our people experience at an all-day concert with minimal shade and $9 bottles of water.</p> <p>We ask you to support us. It only takes a little time, some awareness, and some basic know hows to be a good ally to the redheads.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Redheads local