10 Ridiculously Red Reptiles

<p>Red-Footed Tortoises are medium sized tortoises that on average grow to about 12&ndash;16 inches. Due to their beautiful appearance they are popular pets, and their popularity has led to over collection, which threatens the stability of the overall population. They can be found around the Amazon Basin, in habitats ranging from savannahs to forest edges. They are omnivorous animals, with the main staple of their diet being various fruits. However, they are also known to snack on grasses, flowers, fungi, invertebrates, and dead animals they happen upon.</p> <p>They have dark-colored shells that have a lighter patch in the middle of each scale. Their dark limbs have brightly colored scales that can be different shades of red (sometimes even yellow), that are the inspiration for their name &mdash; the red footed tortoise.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@reptileworldfacts/10-ridiculously-red-reptiles-5f4e32e320dc"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Red Reptiles