If You Are Under 35, Retirement and Salary Work May Be a Dream: Reasons and Solution Suggestions.

<p>According to this data, the rising ratio of the population over 65 years of age per 100 people of working age towards 2050 poses challenges and potential crises for retirement systems.</p> <p>As a 25-year-old, retirement seems like a very distant goal to me. But the years pass so quickly. As an obsessive individual, I&#39;m already thinking about this topic. And I think my age group and above should also consider this issue. We cannot abandon ourselves to the conscience of others.</p> <p><a href="https://ayselskaya12334.medium.com/if-you-are-under-35-retirement-and-salary-work-may-be-a-dream-reasons-and-solution-suggestions-6102705530cc"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>