Searching for Reasons

<p>2023 has been, well, rough. Coming off five years of chaos, we all hoped that 2023 would be a step in the right direction towards normalcy, but in fact, it&rsquo;s been the opposite; political turmoil and migrant surges and lingering inflation and now, two wars on the other side of the world have turned the world into what can best be described as a dumpster fire. That&rsquo;s on top of all the everyday stresses that each of us go through. Recently, I lost three friends in quick succession; two of them were young, and the other was a very young 72. And while I was no longer close with them, all three had an impact on my life in one way or another. With the weight of all that on our brains, Val and I decided to make a quick trip up North to escape from the day to day, and hide amongst the Hemlocks and Maples of Otsego County.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>