The Older I Get, the More I Realize What a Loser I Am…and the Less I Care

<p>Itwas only four years ago that I sat here on my couch with my best friend, Sunny, and we talked until late into the night about our romantic aspirations. We were both scared &mdash; neither of us had experienced a relationship in which we hadn&rsquo;t been abused or betrayed. Yet there we were, two middle-aged women filled with hope, stars in our eyes, giggling like schoolgirls over the thought of falling in love again.</p> <p>We had vastly different approaches. I couldn&rsquo;t date anyone if I didn&rsquo;t already have a crush on them. I couldn&rsquo;t explore something romantic unless the feelings were there. Sunny was more practical. She was willing to start from scratch, using dating apps to meet men and see if sparks developed.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Realize