My first real Ramadan as a non-Muslim

<p>Being a Malaysian who loves my country, who loves our food, our culture and our heritage, I thought I knew what it meant to be a Malaysian. After all, how different could we be? We go to the same schools (I went to an SRK and SMK Convent Klang - 11 years in a girls school) and we speak the same languages (I speak fluent Malay) but it wasn&rsquo;t until I fasted one Ramadan along with my Muslim Malaysians did I truly know how separated we are culturally, that I really don&rsquo;t know much at all and there is another aspect of being a Malaysian that I never knew, but I guess it&rsquo;s never too late to get to know each other.</p> <p>*disclaimer- this article expresses my personal opinion, has some elements of racism, that could offend some people- please read at your own discretion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Ramadan