Do You Want To See the Real Nature of a Man? See How He Behaves When You Hit His Ego

<p>I went on a date with the typical&nbsp;<em>nice guy.</em></p> <p>He was the kind of person that everybody asked why he was still single with all the chivalry, success, and kindness he always showed.</p> <p>The date was good. He picked me up at my house. We went to dinner and talked all night about his work and my interests. He even insisted on paying for everything because he invited me.</p> <p>However, I did not connect with him the way I would have liked.</p> <p>At that point in my life, he was not what I was looking for, and to not waste his time, I wrote him a text when the date ended.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Nature