Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting The Real Housewives of New York City

<p>So, you want to get into RHONY, but you&rsquo;re daunted. That&rsquo;s understandable. The show just started its twelfth season. It&rsquo;s like starting The Bachelor, Survivor or, I don&rsquo;t know, M.A.S.H.? (I wanted to vary up my references.) RHONY is a beautifully confusing, catastrophic work of art. I am what one could call a superfan. I am in a constant state of rewatch. It&rsquo;s my white noise. My comfort blanket. Am I well? Should you be taking&nbsp;<em>any</em>&nbsp;advice from me? Ask my therapist. Anyway, I digress, even I can take a step back and say this show is&nbsp;<em>bonkers</em>. Like, I&rsquo;m 25, why am I so in love with these hot messes who are pushing 60! Some 70!! It&rsquo;s hard to exactly understand but a lot of the country is in the same boat as me, like it or not. As a result, I feel worthy and capable of creating this quick fix list to get you going and enmeshed in the classic moments of RHONY right away. Fix yourself a Skinny Girl Margarita, crank up your toaster oven, and let&rsquo;s go.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>