Here’s the real horror behind Making a Murderer:

<p>While I&rsquo;m quick to loathe spoilers, I really wish somebody would have just told me that I was going to be disappointed by&nbsp;<em>Making a Murderer.&nbsp;</em>I, like probably many others who watched this show, expected a real life translation of&nbsp;<em>True Detective.&nbsp;</em>Who committed the murder? Avery? The corrupt police?&nbsp;<em>Martin Shkreli?</em></p> <p>Although you really should go watch it right now, I&rsquo;ll throw the spoiler alert here, because in order to understand who the&nbsp;<strong>real&nbsp;</strong>perpetrator is in&nbsp;<em>Murderer,&nbsp;</em>you need to know how the story ends.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Horror