Want to Get Rich in Real Estate? Top 5 Tips of a Real Estate Insider

<p>It&rsquo;s human nature to be intrigued by get-rich-quick schemes &mdash; just look at the number of television shows centered around making money in real estate. They almost all focus on short-term profits.</p> <p>Believing that short-term profits will make you rich in real estate is a fallacy. A more likely result is that big tax bills and hefty realtor commissions will result in your handing 70% of your profit over to others.</p> <p>A wise colleague of mine described real estate as &ldquo;the greatest get-rich-slow scheme&rdquo; there is. That says it all.</p> <p>If you want to get rich in real estate, here are the top five lessons I have learned in over 30 years of investing. Do these five things to tilt the scales in your favor and be on your way to creating real wealth in real estate:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@barry_317/want-to-get-rich-in-real-estate-top-5-tips-of-a-real-estate-insider-8a59429a9dde"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Estate