How Autonomous Vehicles will change Real Estate Forever

<p>Owning a car will be a lot like owning a horse. You will only be owning it for sentimental reasons&rdquo; Elon Musk.</p> <p>We all love our cars and the thrill of driving, however, we are not great drivers, and the accidents stats show that. In 2016, over 37 thousand people died in a motor vehicle accident. On top of that, every year we see over 5 million crashes with over 2 million injuries. The cost to society in loss of life, healthcare and damage to property are simply too high.</p> <p>Given the fact that autonomous vehicles can eventually cut accidents to a fraction of the above, driver licenses and car registration will become more expensive over time. This eventually creates an incentive for people to stop purchasing and driving their vehicles.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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