She’s Charming, She’s Quaint, She’s Miss Real Estate

<p>Welcome to the real estate heaven that is&nbsp;<em>Castelo do Bolso Vazio</em>&nbsp;in Lisbon, Portugal &mdash; where houses are old enough to be in history textbooks, appliances are treated like rare artifacts for the elite, and premium locations are a distant rumor that people still think is real.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m your humble (<em>yet astonishingly rich</em>) guide, Maria Mortgage, and I&rsquo;m here to make your house-hunting journey in this picturesque city an endless dream you&rsquo;ll both happily pay for, and never wake up from.</p> <p>Browse through our lustrous catalogue here at&nbsp;<em>Castelo do Bolso Vazio</em>. You&rsquo;ll notice several gorgeous buildings with charmingly ancient fa&ccedil;ades of our typical Portuguese tiles, or as we call them &ldquo;<em>azulejos</em>&rdquo;. It sounds fancy just to say the word, so you know you&rsquo;re friends will know you&rsquo;ve hit the jackpot.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Estate