Life Journey from a Reader’s Perspective — Book: Istanbul

<p>Around 2006, I was going to visit one of my elementary school teachers. While pondering what gift I should bring, I wandered around the bookstore, hoping to pick up a book with good taste and novelty. The book&nbsp;<em>Istanbul</em>&nbsp;was at the front table of the promotion section and caught my attention. I didn&rsquo;t know what &ldquo;Istanbul&rdquo; meant, but it sounded foreign and adventurous. Thus it became my final pick.</p> <p>Many years later, while studying Architecture in College, I signed up for a short-term study abroad program in Istanbul, Turkey. This book came into my mind, and I started reading it in preparation for the trip. For various reasons, that trip did not happen, and Istanbul holds a persisting and unique place in my heart, and I became increasingly interested in the other work of Orhan Pamuk, the author; I read a few of his other works like&nbsp;<em>My name is Red</em>,&nbsp;<em>Snow</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>The Museum of Innocence</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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