Indigenous People in the Philippines; Who? And How indigenous they are. (A Reaction Paper)

<p>Indigenous People are the Native people, ethnic groups who are the original or earliest known inhabitants of an area. They are the ones who needed most attention from the government since they aren&rsquo;t as civilized as us but for me they are the richest ones since they own massive lands and properties just like in cordillera group specifically the Ifugao&rsquo;s who created the well-known rice terraces. Indigenous peoples, also known in some regions as First People. They should be supported and taken good care of the Government for collective natural resources governed by indigenous peoples and local communities are biodiversity hotspots that maintain the ecological balance of our planet and help regulate the climate that enables global food production. On the other hand IP&rsquo;s are the carrier of the Rich and extinct customs and traditions which was passed by our forefathers, these customs reflects and magnify the soul of our nation. But are we really aware about How Indigenous are Filipino Indigenous Peoples? Are<strong>&nbsp;</strong>the Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines really considered as indigenous or not?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Reaction Paper