Fever Crew — The True Story of a Rave Mafia
<p>The word <em>fever</em> means, “an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, and in severe instances, delirium; A state of nervous excitement or agitation.” But back in the day, Fever was also a fitting name for a legendary rave that defined the mean style and brash attitude of South Florida’s underground dance culture.</p>
<p>Fever was an institution. It changed everything from the way people danced to the drugs they did. They used to say that for every hour you spent at Fever, you took a week off of your life. For many, the trade-off was worth it.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@H.C.Guida/fever-crew-the-truesstory-of-a-rave-mafia-e0d5487fba1a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>