Raspberry Pi Backup & Restore from macOS

<h1>The Story</h1> <p>I configured my Raspberry Pi to run a Bitcoin node plus a lightning node on the same machine, I spent quite a bit on installation and configuration to have it just as I wanted it, and the next logical step is to create backups of the microSD and my external drive.</p> <p>I didn&rsquo;t use a raid external drive because I wanted it to be the most basic setup possible, a 2T small external drive, plus a 512 GB microSD.</p> <p>In addition to these full backups, I have it automatically backing up the important state information of my lightning node channels and LNbits state databases.</p> <p>So in reality, the purpose of these full backups is to not have to install and configure everything from scratch if a catastrophe happens. I will still have to complement these backups with the additional recurring state backups.</p> <p><a href="https://objsal.medium.com/raspberry-pi-backup-restore-from-macos-57c376937a3a"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Raspberry Pi