Random Musings #23: Lingua Franca!

<p>Man is a social animal. Women too, I hasten to add! And communication &mdash; signs, verbal and written &mdash; is the very foundation of society. However, its proper or improper use makes it a boon or a bane! Many of you have heard me quote Rumi at every opportunity&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Between what is said but not meant and what is meant but not said, most love is lost&rdquo;!</em></p> <p>Humans, animals, birds, reptiles and insects make sounds. There is something very unique, though, to us homo sapiens. Our species is the only one to use the tongue, along with lips and other moving parts, to make sounds and hence speech.</p> <p><a href="https://prabhakar-kesavan91.medium.com/random-musings-23-lingua-franca-30d18ba06da0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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