Ramaswamy Reveals His Pre-2020 Apolitical Stance: “I Was Disenchanted with Partisan Politics”

<p><strong>Vivek Ramaswamy</strong>, a Republican presidential candidate, acknowledged his journey into the world of politics in a recent interview, shedding light on his political transformation. Ramaswamy, previously viewed as apolitical, revealed that his shift began around the year&nbsp;<strong>2020</strong>, prior to which he had largely stayed&nbsp;<strong>away&nbsp;</strong>from political engagement.</p> <p><img alt="Apolitical Stance: “I Was Disenchanted with Partisan Politics”" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:875/1*NfxKQ6DwZKDTnEjlVCd_3g.jpeg" style="height:1052px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Apolitical Stance: &ldquo;I Was Disenchanted with Partisan Politics&rdquo;</p> <p>Speaking on&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Fox and Friends,&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;Ramaswamy explained,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;It started around 2020. I mean, I was apolitical before 2020.&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>He admitted that during much of his twenties, he refrained from participating in the electoral process, citing disillusionment with partisan politics as his reason for abstaining.</p> <p>He mentioned that in his inaugural presidential election, he cast his vote for a libertarian candidate and chose not to participate in the&nbsp;<strong>2008 and 2012</strong>&nbsp;elections. While he didn&rsquo;t discuss his stance on the<strong>&nbsp;2016 or 2020</strong>&nbsp;elections during the interview, it has been previously reported that he did not vote in 2016 but did support former&nbsp;<strong>President Trump in 2020</strong>, as reported by Reuters.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sushilkumar467/ramaswamy-reveals-his-pre-2020-apolitical-stance-i-was-disenchanted-with-partisan-politics-fa14f1f35e72"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>