A Tale of Two Rams

<p>A magnificent (&lsquo;bhavya&rsquo;) Ram temple is set to be consecrated in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, on 22nd January 2024. But the question arises: for which Lord Ram is this temple being consecrated?</p> <p>In India, there exist two perceptions of Lord Ram. The first is the real Lord Ram, who, as a ruler, acted as a father to all people in his kingdom, embracing all faiths and sects and ensuring the welfare of everyone without discrimination. This version is reflective of the virtuous and universally benevolent deity depicted in various texts and teachings.</p> <p><a href="https://justicekatju.com/a-tale-of-two-rams-1687083e4f31"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: RAM Temple