Five Perfectly Good Reasons for Not Raking Leaves

<p>When fall is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn leaves are accumulating on the ground like nobody&rsquo;s business, folks with yards are haunted by a nagging question: &ldquo;Do I&nbsp;<em>really</em>&nbsp;have to rake leaves today?&rdquo;</p> <p>The answer is a resounding NO, friends.</p> <p>It benefits birds, the biodiversity within your yard, and the world if you do not rake up leaves. Don&rsquo;t gather them in plastic bags that will take literal ages to disintegrate. Don&rsquo;t burn them and release carbon into the atmosphere. Just leave those little signifiers of the passage of time where they fall. You may scrape them away from drainage ditches and distribute them around the yard in a thin layer. But for goodness sake, otherwise, just let them be. Here&rsquo;s why.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Raking Leaves