The Day I Returned to Judaism

<p>I was raised Jewish, but for most of my adult life I have not considered myself to be Jewish. However, something unexpected happened to me on October 7th. I woke up, learned of the horrible news perpetrated against the people in Israel, and for the first time in my adult life I felt Jewish. How, exactly, could a terrorist attack around the world on people I did not know bring out a religious and cultural identity in me that I rejected decades ago? There have been many horrific wars, attacks, and atrocities that occurred during my life. I believe that any life that is lost is a tragedy, and that we all have, despite what any country or religion claims, a universal human right to live peacefully.</p> <p>The news of the attack on Israeli citizens shocked and saddened me. This was the same shock and sadness I have felt countless other times, for countless horrible events, wars, conflicts, school shootings, and for whatever other horrors humans all too frequently commit. The only time I felt differently was on 9/11 when my wife was stuck in midtown Manhattan, and I was home safe in Queens with our 8-month-old son. That day I was nauseous while she walked many miles in Manhattan, over the 59th Street bridge, and through Queens back to our apartment in Forest Hills. On that day I got a miniscule dose of what too many people on Earth have experienced &mdash; jolting loss and devastation that occurs when hateful and nefarious people end loved ones&rsquo; lives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish