Chernobyl: 9 eerie stories from the radioactive zone

<p>One of the terrible signs of that time &mdash; people with a &ldquo;nuclear tan&rdquo;. Those unlucky enough to grab a large dose of radiation wondered why the skin suddenly turned brown, even under the clothes. The body has already been damaged by intense radiation. Not everyone knew about the danger: on the day of the accident, many even sunbathed on the rooftops and on the river near the nuclear power plant, and the sun intensified the effect of radiation.</p> <p>From the story of an eyewitness: &ldquo;Our neighbor, Metelev, at about eleven o&rsquo;clock climbed onto the roof and lay down there in swimming trunks to sunbathe. Then one time I went down to drink, says the tan sticks perfectly today! Moreover, from the roof one can clearly see how the reactor is burning there &hellip; And in the air at that time it was already up to a thousand millirems per hour. But we didn&rsquo;t know that then! In the evening, a neighbor who was sunbathing on the roof began to vomit violently, and he was taken to the medical unit, then further to Kiev. And still no one was worried: the man must have overheated. Such things happen&hellip;&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>