Will the Quiet Luxury Trend Effectively Repackage Sustainability?

<p>Ifyou binged the HBO show,&nbsp;<em>Succession</em>&nbsp;or were hooked on Gwenyth Paltrow&rsquo;s trial, you&rsquo;re familiar with the trend that has been making all the noise in the fashion industry in 2023.</p> <p>Oops, I mean all the soft buzz &lsquo;quiet&rsquo; luxury has been making.</p> <p>Call it what you may &mdash; minimalism, stealth wealth, or old money. This trend hasn&rsquo;t been louder than it has been in its comeback this time around.</p> <p>Quiet luxury has existed since the Renaissance when artists were commissioned to design bespoke and high-quality pieces for the wealthy &mdash; e<em>xclusively.&nbsp;</em>These pieces of jewelry, clothing, and accessories were unique and made of the highest quality. They were hand-woven, with intricate, and subtle details you wouldn&rsquo;t otherwise know mattered. Or existed.</p> <p><a href="https://bettermarketing.pub/will-the-quiet-luxury-trend-effectively-repackage-sustainability-e057af9999d7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Quiet Luxury