Quick Reflection — My First Camino de Santiago

<h1>How do I get to know about this Camino?</h1> <p>To be honest, before coming to Europe, I never heard about Camino de Santiago. The encounter with Elena, a friend that I met in Lourdes, France last December 2021, made me know about this. She shared her experience of finishing her Camino in three different parts with a total of 34 days, in three different years. It sounds crazy for me to do that lengthy walk, considering that life is becoming so busy day by day. So, I decided to give up on that time, thinking it was not for me.</p> <p>When I feel it was enough to just become a normal tourist, I started to think about different way to experience new places. Remembering Elena&rsquo;s enthusiastic facial expression when sharing about her life-changing experience, it made me think again about doing this Camino.</p> <p><a href="https://enliktjioe.medium.com/quick-reflection-my-first-camino-de-santiago-3587e8978109"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>