It’s Just a Question of Leadership

<p>Here in California, it doesn&rsquo;t rain often, so when it does, it&rsquo;s a cause for rejoicing&hellip; that is, until you hear, when you&rsquo;re sitting there cozy by the fireplace, the faint sound of a drip. That is what happened in our home last week. As I looked up, there in the corner by the chimney there was a bowing out of the stucco in the ceiling from a growing wet spot. The rains were subsiding, fortunately, but this was not a good omen: we had a leak!</p> <p>The next day, I called three different contractors who came over during the next few days and gave their quotes. The prices for the work ranged from $6500 to $9500! Why the huge discrepancy? As I was talking with each contractor and I made it clear I was a bit shocked by the cost, they were all willing to work with me on the price, so I guess it&rsquo;s all pretty flexible too. I finally settled with the contractor who seemed the most knowledgeable and capable, and we agreed on a price somewhere in the middle.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>