My Year of Queer Sisterhood
<p>Iwrite to share with you my love for four dear women I befriended this year as a woman. I came out as a trans in June 2022. After a combination of factors delayed my social and medical transition (seasonal affective disorder, <a href="" rel="noopener">incompatible career</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener">sperm bank scheduling conflicts</a>), I began hormones in February. After a four month pause from April to August, I’m five months strong on estrogen, and it’s wonderful. I’m grounded. Centered. To my constant physical discomfort my psyche said: gurl bye.</p>
<p>And to four women, my heart said: hi, I love you. With these women I’ve become a new type of sister. And they’ve become sisters to me. To structure my reflections, I did a five card tarot reading, each card from its own deck.</p>
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