What Some People Fail to See in a Queer Like Me

<p>I&rsquo;m sure this is a sentiment many in the LGBTQ community relate to. The feeling can stem from a lack of support from family and friends. It may be because of your geographic location. It may be self-inflicted as you stubbornly push people away. I&rsquo;m not judging; I&rsquo;ve done it too.</p> <p>Sometimes loneliness is the result of something as simple as a label.</p> <p>A label, whether self-adopted or metaphorically plastered on your forehead by someone else, sets you apart. This isn&rsquo;t always a bad thing, but it can be.</p> <p>I enjoy my individuality. I like going against the flow or taking a different direction than most other people. Sometimes popular trends are boring and following the crowd is too easy.&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/prismnpen/as-a-queer-person-do-people-challenge-your-self-expression-434b647336d8" rel="noopener">Self-expression</a>&nbsp;can be empowering, and identifying with a particular label might help you to realize that expression.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/prismnpen/what-some-people-fail-to-see-in-a-queer-like-me-499c09352ddd"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Queer Like