Portraits of Queen West

<p>Steele&rsquo;s pioneering work &mdash; in Hypercard, then CDROMs, then Flash &mdash; helped define the look-and-feel of the old, good internet; an urbanist feel that owed a debt to Toronto&rsquo;s most beloved adopted urbanist, Jane Jacobs. Steele and Mackerel made things that were beautiful and human-centered, human-scaled and human-adaptable.</p> <p>Not for nothing, Hypercard presaged the web&rsquo;s critical &ldquo;view source&rdquo; affordance, which allowed people to copy, modify, customize and improve on the things that they found delightful or useful; this affordance was later adapted by other human-centered projects like Scratch, and is a powerful tonic against enshittification.</p> <p><a href="https://doctorow.medium.com/portraits-of-queen-west-3b15e5b6b963"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Queen West