Moments to rest and connect with yourself to prepare well for the most intense week of the month.The Queen of Cups - 15/01/24

<p>The authority that assists you - the real and full authority - responds to a truth so great that it is a rest in the most tender part of life. Opening yourself to the guidance of the heart places you in this third dimension, in accordance with the infinite wisdom of the Spirit, which is the opportunity to make room for a sweetness capable of passing through the pores of the densest and most stubborn matter, passing through any emotion. pending, including the most subtle sadnesses, and cleanse everything, towards maximum fertility, vitality and joy. The Queen of Cups is the representative of love-wisdom in this third dimension. And what is irreducible and unquestionable about its authority is that it is universal because it welcomes without exception all living life, towards the healthiest and most comfortable of each person, in line with the unity of all that is created. On this day defined as &quot;the saddest of the year&quot; the diamond water springs from your heart as a sacred source of total authority and rest. So be it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Queen Cups