Quasi Dragon Studies — A composite generative art series and experimental model for Web3 community co-creation

<blockquote> <p>QDS is about experimentation, people, risk, discussion, and the essence of what art really is.</p> <p>Maybe 5 tiles get minted. Maybe thousands. However many, this project will be a success if it gets people talking, gets people questioning, makes people happy, makes people angry.</p> <p>Maybe it becomes a step towards making art more &lsquo;for everyone&rsquo;. Maybe in a few years kids at the Tate in London find themselves participating in an artwork with kids in Nairobi. Maybe there&rsquo;s a kind of art, yet to come into existence that really brings people together.</p> <p>Or maybe people hate it, think it&rsquo;s a gimmick, and think it&rsquo;s everything that&rsquo;s wrong with art today.</p> <p>I hope more the former than the latter. I guess the whole point of QDS is that we&rsquo;ll find out</p> </blockquote> <p>~ Jamie Gourlay, Verse</p> <h1>Overview</h1> <p>Quasi Dragon Studies is an art experiment in community co-creation. For 25 years I&rsquo;ve been exploring ways of compositing sets of simple artworks to form new more complex artistic language and more ambitious compositions. This project is an algorithmic, Web 3 extension of that personal modus operandi.</p> <p>The rapid evolution of generative art and the attention it has received from the Web 3 community makes it an exciting time to be a creative coder. However, ten years from now I feel the algorithmic approach may just be one of many methodologies in the practice of the new internet native artist. Perhaps what will be seen as the more interesting and seismic revolution in art created in the Web 3 era is the blurring of the boundary between artist and the collecting community. We may be witnessing the early evolution of a new breed of decentralized artists.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@harvey.rayner/quasi-dragon-studies-a-composite-generative-art-series-and-experimental-model-for-web3-community-1eea74a9deeb"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: dragon Studies