2023 Third quarter reflections

<p>In summer, I started training with Fastlane&rsquo;s swimming team. It has been nearly 3 years since I trained with HKUST&rsquo;s swimming team, but the motivating sensation of team training was back instantly. Dreading a bit before the rigorous practice, counting down the drills, thriving on a challenge, and finally relishing the sense of accomplishment post training &mdash; these are bittersweet but immensely fulfilling memories inked since childhood. It was interesting to join the diverse team (of nationality and age group); sports bring people together from all walks of life. Attending my first Master&rsquo;s Swimming competition with the team was interesting, but competition dynamics have changed for me. It was no longer about looking over and competing with your lane neighbor &mdash; who are in the same age band, back in school days. Masters Swimming competitions feature students and seniors up to their 70+ years old, so it was more about beating your personal time &mdash; trying our best, the attitude that we carry in our personal endeavors.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/emily-c-h-li/2023-third-quarter-reflections-d10a3170cc2e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>