Last Quarter Moon, January 3: Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

<p>Inour efforts to share the load, the wealth &mdash; the kitchen &mdash; we are coming up short. Do all the ingredients harmonize? Is there even enough resources to warrant such a dish?</p> <p>When working toward a goal, it&rsquo;s nice to have the support of others. But sometimes those others can get in the way of our end goal, and that&rsquo;s what we might be feeling today and tomorrow as a Moon in Libra squares the Sun in Capricorn. The Moon in Libra feels like a distraction upon distractions, as Mercury is approaching a square to Neptune again. It doesn&rsquo;t feel like everyone is putting in equal effort, either, as Mars has perhaps quite literally left the building and everyone behind for his own adventure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Quarter Moons