It’s Time To Reconsidering what a ‘qualified’ candidate looks like

<p>This is a tricky thing to assess from a resume. What does self-motivation look like? Is it career progression? Or is it continuing education? Or is it something else entirely? This is a very subjective area that cannot be reduced to a data point. I interviewed an individual who had five different jobs over three years. After a preliminary interview, the person revealed that his mother had stage 4 cancer and as her sole care provider the talent decided to prioritize their mother&rsquo;s needs over everything including work. During another interview, the interviewee revealed that they were seeking a junior role because they had made a considerable amount investing in bitcoins and wanted to reenter the workforce and help grow an organization without the pressure of working from paycheck to paycheck. Well-crafted resumes can communicate a lot of critical information, but they cannot communicate everything. The role of the recruiter is to communicate with talent beyond a Boolean search. When speaking with talent it is important not only to ask the right questions but also actively listen to what the talent is saying.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>