“Qué Exótica”: The Fetishization of Multiracial Women in Spain

<p>Itwas late October 2017 when I had a memorable experience at my company&rsquo;s headquarters in Barcelona.</p> <p>I was in the printing room with my colleague Ver&oacute;nica, preparing the documentation for a briefing that afternoon. We were conversing amiably, discussing the second season of La Casa de Papel and whether or not the police were up to the task of solving the case. Spoiler:&nbsp;<em>they weren&rsquo;t</em>.</p> <p>When suddenly, the photocopier choked. It sputtered and whirred and whined for a moment before sighing exhaustedly and coming to a complete stop, a half-printed call sheet hanging flaccid from the mouth of the reservoir. We both eyed it momentarily in silence.</p> <p>As if by magic, Miquel, resident Mr-Fix-It and obnoxious but well-connected IT specialist, waltzed through the door to come to our aid.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Oh my God, is it my birthday?&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;he exclaimed, clasping his hands together.</p> <p>Vero and I looked at each other.</p> <p>&ldquo;<em>A Black girl AND a Latina together? I&rsquo;ve had very many dreams that looked like this</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/afrosapiophile/qu%C3%A9-ex%C3%B3tica-the-fetishisation-of-multiracial-women-in-spain-dee27dc77fc5"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>