Python in Excel Will Reshape How Data Analysts Work

<p>Last year, I published a free course called &ldquo;Python for Excel Users&rdquo; on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel, and even though the video has more than 1M views, I realized some people didn&rsquo;t get the purpose of the course.</p> <p>Some of them commented,</p> <blockquote> <p>- Why do Excel users need Python?<br /> - You can do exactly the same in Excel without Python!<br /> - Do you know Power Query exists?</p> </blockquote> <p>Well, Microsoft just announced Python in Excel.</p> <p>As Microsoft said, this is a significant evolution in the analytical capabilities available within Excel. They want to combine the power of Python with the flexibility of Excel. The best of both worlds!</p> <p>With this integration, you can write Python code in Excel cells, create advanced visualizations using libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn, and even apply machine learning techniques using libraries like scikit-learn and statsmodels.</p> <p>Python in Excel will definitely open a series of new possibilities in a spreadsheet. This will change the way both Python and Excel analysts work. Here&rsquo;s how.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Python Reshape