Do Feminists Really ‘Hate’ Men? : Punching Up vs Punching Down

<p>Why is it seen as being socially acceptable for women to make jokes at the expense of men, encouraged even, like it&rsquo;s part of a &lsquo;girl code&rsquo;- &lsquo;all men are trash&rsquo;, but if men were to do the same to women, even if wrapped up as a &lsquo;joke&rsquo;, then they would be hailed as being &lsquo;misogynistic&#39;, and cancelled as a result?</p> <p>And, likewise, why is it okay for queer people to exclaim their distaste towards straight people under the guise of &lsquo;comedy&rsquo;/&rsquo;satire&rsquo;, but if straight people were to do the same to queer people, then they would be branded as being &lsquo;homophobic?&rsquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Punching down