Why we do Puja?

<p>Growing up in a traditional Hindu family, we did a lot of Pujas. My mom does a Puja every Tuesday and Saturday. Not that Pujas are a must thing that we have to do, it was her choice to do it. There were a lot of times I asked my mom and dad why we do certain things and they did not have an answer</p> <p>I was listening&nbsp;<a href="https://youtu.be/wAHFJBugLjg?t=2451" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">to this podcast</a>&nbsp;by Ranveer Allahabadia and all of the questions were answered. The source for what I am writing down here is entirely from the podcast, but I wanted to capture this so that I can refer back to and let my kids know when they ask me the same questions. He hits the nail on the head, when he said &mdash; I used to be frustrated when my parents did not know the answers to the questions that I asked but they did the best they could as for them getting food on the table was the main priority, they did not get time to go deep into Adhyatmikta and hence they did not know the answers, but I am grateful that they sub-consiously passed on these traditions that have so much meaning in them</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@nikhidas/why-we-do-puja-a8c6e706c253"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Puja Hindu