Frankincense as a Psychoactive Drug
<p><em>The LORD said to Moses: Take an equal amount of each of these spices: gum resin, onycha, galbanum, and </em><strong><em>pure frankincense</em></strong><em>. Like a skilled perfume maker, carefully blend them together and make incense, seasoned with salt, pure and holy. </em>— -Exodus 30:34–5</p>
<p><em>When anyone presents a grain offering to the LORD, the offering must be of choice flour. They must pour oil on it and put frankincense on it, then bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests. A priest will take a handful of its choice flour and oil, along with all of its frankincense, and will completely burn this token portion on the altar as a food gift of soothing smell to the LORD— </em>Levictus 2:1–2 (also 2:15, 6:15, 24:7; see Neh 13:6). If nothing else, God likes the smell of Frankincense.</p>
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