Making a Pseudo LiDAR With Cameras and Deep Learning

<p>As you can see LiDARS generate a very accurate 3D map of the world around it. This map is visualized in the form of a&nbsp;<em>point cloud</em>. A point cloud consists coordinates of points in the 3D space along the X, Y and Z axis. These points when plotted in the 3D space construct a scene like shown in the visualization above. This scene can be then used for things like path planning for autonomous vehicles, mapping of the environment, for AR applications, and can be used for any other application where &lsquo;Depth Information&rsquo; is required.</p> <h1>The Problem with LiDARs</h1> <p>LiDARs are very accurate at calculating the &lsquo;depth&rsquo; information. Depth information is one of the most important things for autonomous vehicles to do things like path planning, maintaining safe distance from objects, etc. This makes LiDARs a great candidate to be integrated into self driving cars. But the problem is, they are too damn expensive !!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: pseudo LiDAR