Hyper-individualism? Maybe pseudo-individualism.

<p>I&rsquo;m looking at this from a perspective of how capitalism, colonialism, and their Father, Christianity, has basically draped a wet blanket over our thoughts. We can&rsquo;t comprehend rules and processes outside of our framework. Because we don&rsquo;t know how to think freely. We are extremely uncomfortable with asking for help because somehow that makes us less then, and we are so goal driven that it induces preemptive self loathing that stems from fear of failure in the eyes of those above us in any hierarchy, whether that is professional, familial, religious, or even in our hobbies with people who are more skilled than us. And the culture we live in is so focused on productivity that we literally strip color from the places we are meant to mingle and enjoy ourselves, such as coffee shops, restaurants, and neighborhoods that should be communal. Why? Because the color connects with our emotions and lens itself to genuine human interaction. We have been collectively dehumanized in the name of profit and productivity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@WitchOfDiamonds/hyper-individualism-maybe-pseudo-individualism-9c78a1d45b56"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>