Skyrim in 2023: A PS5 Review

<h1><strong>Why I keep coming back to this game</strong></h1> <p>Ah,&nbsp;<em>Skyrim</em>. What would the gaming world do without you?</p> <p>If you haven&rsquo;t heard of this game or tried it out, you&rsquo;ll find countless numbers of fans and ways to play this game across multiple console generations. And I&rsquo;m one of them.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve bought&nbsp;<em>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim</em>&nbsp;five separate times, six if you count the free PS5 upgrade. First for PS3, then a used PS3 Legendary Edition for the DLC, then PC on a Steam Summer Sale, then a PS4 edition, then Nintendo Switch, and finally the free PS5 upgrade for the latest console generation.</p> <p>Hell, even my phone&rsquo;s lock screen is the game&rsquo;s logo and has been for several years.</p> <p>As a video game reviewer, I&rsquo;ve played a lot of different games and written over 100 articles on the subject. I&rsquo;ve sifted through my share of video games over the years, and find myself returning to the wonderful, action-packed, comically broken, and dungeon and quest-filled&nbsp;<em>Skyrim</em>.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s why I think the game holds up after all these years.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: PS5 Review