Would Nikola Be Proud of Tesla? An ESG Analysis of Elon Musk’s Electric Car (and Clean Energy) Company

<p>What would Nikola Tesla say about Elon Musk? Would he, as one of the most genius scientists that ever walked on this planet, view Mr. Musk&rsquo;s incredible business achievements in the same light as stock markets are viewing them? Would he be proud of the fact that Mr. Musk runs his family name for a car brand? Would he, like Edison told Tesla in 1884, not understand &ldquo;American Humor&rdquo;?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s begin this story with Nikola Tesla. He deserves to be part of it.</p> <h2>Nikola Tesla (1856&ndash;1943)</h2> <p>Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox church and his mother managed the family&rsquo;s farm.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/swlh/would-nikola-be-proud-of-tesla-ee155c9b6588"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: proud Tesla