Hijab isn’t a modesty thing; it was to make sure Prophet’s wives would not get harassed

<p>The concept of the hijab is a complex one, and there is no single interpretation that is universally accepted. Some people believe that hijab is a requirement for all Muslim women, while others believe that it is a personal choice. There is also debate about the reasons why hijab is prescribed in Islam.</p> <p>The hadith, which is narrated by Aisha, the Prophet Muhammad&rsquo;s wife, does suggest that the hijab was initially intended to protect the Prophet&rsquo;s wives from harassment. However, it is important to note that this is just one interpretation of the hadith. Other interpretations suggest that the hijab is a way for Muslim women to express their modesty and piety.</p> <p><a href="https://munaeem.medium.com/hijab-isnt-a-modesty-thing-it-was-to-make-sure-prophet-s-wives-would-not-get-harassed-5c971cc44560"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Prophets wives